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Available with Steph, online - £40

Hello, I’m Steph and I help clients to work through emotional pain, anxiety, stress, traumas, fears,
limiting beliefs and behaviours which are preventing them from being the best version of




Hypnotherapy. What is it?

Hypnotherapy is where part of the therapeutic work is undertaken in a hypnotic state.


A hypnotic state is an altered state of awareness or more simply a state of deep relaxation. It’s the
same state as when we are daydreaming and ‘staring into space’. This is something we would have
all experienced but may not have been aware that it is similar to being in a state of hypnosis. In this
altered state of awareness the conscious part of the mind temporarily goes into rest mode and the
subconscious part is more open and receptive to suggestion, exploration, direction or change. It is in
this hypnotic state where therapeutic changes or realisations can take place.


We all spend time in and out of this hypnotic/trance state but, during a hypnotherapy session, you
are gently guided into this sense of deep relaxation by the therapist through the use of words and
imagery. It is very relaxing and safe and you are always in control. You cannot be hypnotised against your will and cannot think, do or say anything that you don’t want to. Whilst you are deeply relaxed, the conscious mind remains awake and observant. You are able to come out of hypnosis at any time.

If there was an emergency where you needed to leave the building, you could stand up and walk out of the door feeling awake and alert … but wonderfully relaxed!


When thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours are having a negative impact on our lives in some
way or another, hypnotherapy can help us to more quickly identify the root cause of them, challenge and release them whilst at the same time presenting alternative better thoughts and behaviours through suggestion and direct communication with the subconscious, which can begin the process of positive change.
We have all the answers and resources we need to make changes to our lives … we are more knowledgeable and resourceful than we know.  During a session it is my job to help you identify and find the solutions to your problems and bring them to the surface, helping you to make positive changes in your life.


Every client’s issues, background and desired outcomes are unique so each session will be tailored to
your needs.

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07935 835277

  • Adelphi Court, 1 East Street, Epsom, Surrey KT17 1BB

  • Canbury Park Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, KT2 6LG

  • Joanna House, 34 Central Road, Worcester Park KT4 8HZ

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